City Manager’s Weekly Report
for week ending December 13, 2019

Comprehensive Plan Roundtable on Thursday, Dec. 19th from 5:30pm to 7pm.  There will be a Comprehensive Plan Roundtable on Thursday, Dec. 19th from 5:30pm to 7pm, prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. In coordination with the Roundtable, there will be a toy and food drive. The bin for donations will be out all week before the meeting and all donations will be picked up by the Burien/Normandy Park Fire Department on Friday, Dec. 20th. The Community Development Department is currently working on the 2020 docket for comprehensive plan amendments. The proposed docket will include items from 2019 (Future Land Use Map Updates and Economic Development Element ), in alignment with the Planning Commission recommendation, and will also include amendments to the Capital Facilities Element.

Civic Center Master Plan process outlined by the Miller Hull Partnership, LLC, architects – first public meeting Saturday, January 25.  The master planning process for the new Civic Center is underway! (See the attached schedule.) The architect firm’s project team is conducting research and site analysis to understand the needs of Normandy Park citizens and the opportunities presented by the site at City Hall Park. Community input is an essential part of this process. The first phase of outreach will begin on Saturday, January 25th at 1:00pm in the Community room, where all community members will be invited to share community goals and priorities for the project at an open house event. This event will utilize comment cards that will subsequently also be available at City Hall – the wall tag project will expand! (See image below for the tag concept). The project team will be on-hand at the Open House to hear from community members directly. The project team will collect all comments and use them to help guide the direction of the project at these early phases, working closely with a steering committee to develop masterplan alternatives with corresponding budget analysis for the new facility. These alternatives will be presented at a City Council workshop in late February, where the City Council will be asked to select a preferred alternative for the design team to further develop. The developed Preferred Alternative will be presented at a regular City Council meeting to be scheduled later. Following the presentation of the developed preferred alternative at a regular City Council meeting, the project team will incorporate Council and public feedback into a masterplan report that will be issued in June. Miller Hull Partnership is looking forward to working with the community to design a great new, cost-effective facility that will strengthen Normandy Park and serve residents long into the future. The Steering Committee will consist of six or seven individuals, representing a diverse group of stakeholders (staff, community members, and officials). Miller Hull finds that steering groups larger than six or seven participants are likely to get bogged down. Staff members will be City Manager Mark Hoppen, Chief of Police Dan Yourkoski, and Parks Director Amanda Leon.  Other steering committee members are yet to be determined.

Conceptual Design Project Schedule