City Manager’s Weekly Report
for week ending Jan. 18, 2020

January 29 meeting of local cities to discuss StART suspensions. On this date, Port of Seattle officials and city managers from SeaTac, Tukwila, Normandy Park, Federal Way, Des Moines and Burien will meet to discuss terms of participation in the SeaTac Advisory Roundtable (StART).  Federal Way, Des Moines and Burien suspended participation in this technical communication forum a few months ago, consequent to Port of Seattle approval of a $10m pre-design contract for future SeaTac International Airport facilities, which are still undergoing environmental review processes.  StART provides technical information to the long-standing Highline Forum, which is composed of city managers and elected officials.  StART includes city managers, or their delegated assignees, as staff representatives to the committee. Additionally two community representatives from each city sit on StART. Just this week, Eric Zimmerman was reappointed and Tim Sorenson was appointed to two year terms on the roundtable; both StART members also serve as City of Normandy Park Planning Commissioners. Former City Planning Commissioner Earnest Thompson became ineligible for StART upon taking his new office as a Normandy Park City Council member. Elected officials are ineligible to serve on this technical committee, but mayors regularly serve on the Highline Forum, which addresses sub-regional issues about the airport and other sub-regional concerns. Information from StART pertaining to nighttime noise, pollution, runway use, glide paths, etc., flows from StART to the Highline Forum. Hopefully, this upcoming meeting will get everyone talking again.

Lists of particulars for Discussion at the Joint Aviation Meeting

Mark E. Hoppen, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)