From Friends of Normandy Park:

Please tape a heart to your window today! Let the world know your heart is with them during this pandemic. Share your heart photos on Facebook to let everyone know you care.

Our campaign is called “Heart in the Park.” Attached is a heart (download it here) for you to print and display in your window for people to see as they drive/walk by. The idea stems from a call we received from a local mom. Her son is an ER doctor and his wife is an ER Physician’s Assistant. She worries about them every day, but knows they are fighting for others and she is thankful. A friend of hers in the Midwest is displaying a heart in her window to show support for medical personnel. The mom asked if we could do the same in Normandy Park. Let’s do it!

Please join us in showing support for medical personnel and others who are fighting to stop this pandemic and keep us safe!

Please print and tape the attached heart to your window. Or you could make it a family activity and create your own – and add your own city (download blank heart here)! We’ve already heard back from friends and family in California, Oregon, New York, Ohio, Arizona and France who will be posting theirs. Join us today!

Don’t forget to share your heart photo. Let’s make this global and show everyone we care! Please email photos to and we’ll post the best ones!