City Manager’s Weekly Report
for week ending May 1, 2020
Limited Construction Restart. Permitting has continued to take-in and issue all permits, and issue exempt permits, under the Stay Home Order construction guidance, via email and mail since the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Proclamation was issued on March 25th. Community Development has maintained a continual workflow of permits and reviews while adjusting work habits to align with electronic submittal and processing. In many ways, this time has helped prepare staff to adjust to e-based tasks and will likely ease the process of implementing permitting software at the City in the future.
The recent phasing announcement of an addendum for Stay Home, Stay Healthy (Proclamation 20-25) provided by Governor Inslee last Friday clarified that Implementation of the Phase I Construction Restart, which will allow for low-risk prior projects, which were ongoing before the Proclamation, to restart their work with certain stipulations.
City staff will assist each low-risk project, providing a form to post on site explaining compliance with all stipulations. Stipulations for low-risk contractors include the following:
- Workers must maintain 6 feet of distance from one another. If 6 feet cannot be maintained the project is not considered “low-risk”.
- Create and post a COVID-19 exposure control and recovery plan
- Create and post a written notice to employees
- Ensure a safe and healthy worksite
- Follow COVID-19 worksite-specific safety practices
Please see the following link for more in-depth information related to the above information:
Many residential projects may now resume work as low risk projects.
Economic Development Update. This week, staff spent time updating a City of Normandy Park resource packet to reflect changes in grant, loan and other business resource programs. Staff and Mayor Sue-Ann Hohimer of Normandy Park handed out 43 packets yesterday afternoon/evening. Staff is working directly with local businesses to help complete applications and ensure that businesses owned by people for whom English is a second language are aided in understanding the process and are able to submit in a timely manner. Working Washington grant applications are currently under review. It appears that a few Normandy Park businesses will receive some assistance from this program. If you know someone who owns a local business, then please ask them if they have a local business license. This has become a roadblock for some applications. If you know anyone who has questions about resources, please provide the packet provided in the link below or have them reach out to
Link to COVID-19 Response Resources for Local Businesses Packet
Mark E. Hoppen, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)
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