EDITOR’S NOTE: Dona Ozier is a Sales Rep for South King Media.

Jack is a beautiful 10 year-old Terrier Mix, the beloved pet of Dona May Ozier in Normandy Park.

But sadly, Jack has lymphoma and requires chemotherapy.

The estimated cost of treatment provided by the clinic is out of reach for Dona and Jack, but they were not willing to give up. Dona researched for funding, or the veterinarian provided a recommendation, and Dona applied to the Magic Bullet Fund.

According to the dog’s veterinarian, the treatment has a good chance of providing long-term survival. Without treatment, Jack does not have a good chance of one-year survival. After a review, Magic Bullet Fund agreed to help this family.

Thanks to the assistance of Magic Bullet Fund, Jack will have treatment and a chance to survive cancer. A diagnosis of cancer is not necessarily a death sentence. Veterinary oncology has made tremendous advances in the past decade and there are treatment options available to those who want to fight their dog’s cancer.

Dona’s goal is $2,444, of which $1,731.42 has been raised as of July 29, 2020. The deadline to donate is Aug. 10, 2020.

Dona says:

“My dog Jack means everything to me and is my first dog, he is all mine. I don’t have children. When people pull out pictures of their kids, I pull up photos of Jack and say here’s my boy. He is happy, energetic, kind, and sensitive. When I heard he had cancer, I was devastated. There was no question that I would start treatments and do whatever I could do for him. When I was working and Jack came in with me, the whole office lit up. Again, it is a miracle and a dream come true for any donations.”

Kaplan adds, “Cancer is as unpredictable in pets as it is in humans. We do not expect miracles for all of them, but we celebrate the ones we get. The real miracle for these families is that they can have more special moments that will become lasting memories, and the very important ability to say, ‘I fought for my pet’s life!’’’

*When a pet’s fundraising goal has been met, he is moved to the “Pets Funded” page. If this pet’s campaign goal has been fulfilled, you can still donate! See the other beautiful pets on the “Donate for a Pet” page, or donate to the General Fund.

    • Those who need our help can apply for assistance at the website below.
    • Donate for Jack on the “Donate for a Pet” page by searching for ‘JACK OZIER’ at www.themagicbulletfund.org.
    • To donate by mail, send a check to Magic Bullet Fund, PO Box 149, Yorktown Heights NY 10598.
    • Donations are tax deductible: www.TheMagicBulletFund.org


    • Magic Bullet Fund helps when a cat or dog would not receive treatment without assistance.
    • The namesake of the fund was Bullet, a canine cancer survivor owned by medical animal writer
      Laurie Kaplan.
    • Kaplan opened the fund in 2005 in conjunction with the release of her book, “Help Your Pet Fight
      Cancer,” which has given many thousands of dog owners the knowledge, confidence and
      optimism they need to see their canines through cancer treatment.
    • As of 12/20/19, Magic Bullet Fund has helped 700 dogs and their families.
    • On 1/1/2020 the fund opened its doors to help CATS with cancer as well.
    • The fund helps families across the U.S., treatment provided by whichever veterinarian they see.
    • Donations are tax deductible
    • MBF operates through donations from individuals and corporate grants, and with the assistance of
      30 volunteers.
    • The fund launches a fundraising campaign for each pet, with a gift from the General Fund.