City Manager’s Weekly Report
for week ending Aug. 21, 2020

City Finances.  The City of Normandy Park is at the outset of the public process for the next city biennial (two-year) budget. The aim is a budget that is accountable to public need, as expressed in prior City Council-approved budget work, comprehensive plan goals, capital facilities goals, citizen review and public hearing comment, and City Council direction. Toward this end, initially, a citizen budget advisory committee will review and comment on an early draft of the 2021-22 budget with City Finance Director Jennifer Ferrer Santa Innes and me. To participate in this process, no more than six to eight city citizens – focus group size – will be selected from interested citizens. Citizens who are interested should contact Jennifer by the close of business next week at  Having some budget experience, particularly government or municipal budget experience, is desirable but not necessary. Time commitment after reading the entire draft budget will be minimal, two or three meetings at most. The draft budget will be quite accessible, but is a serious read.

Public Safety Issue. It’s simple. Do not exceed the speed limit. During these times, people have learned to drive faster with lighter traffic than in pre-COVID times. Traffic flows are higher now than in the past few months, but we haven’t yet taken our feet off our gas pedals. Please stay safe and keep others safe.

1st Ave Construction. With the advent of rain, paving will be completed next Monday, with minor project completion activities throughout the week.

City Buildings. The city is anticipating receipt of final government facilities (city hall, police station and recreation center) conceptual design, site layout, and cost estimate for City Council and public review by the end of August. Miller Hull Partnership, LLP, has worked throughout the process to produce a design that meets spatial needs, evokes the feel of Normandy Park, and is responsive to public comment and to on-going steering committee advice. It will be interesting for all of us to see the product, to evaluate the product, and to consider next steps.

Economic Development. A clear linkage exists between recreational programming, the physical beauty of city parks, economic development planning, and the city’s image. Shortly, a revised city website will be available, mostly as result of a Port of Seattle economic development grant. Not only is the economic development component of the website revised, but the way the whole website looks and works augments the city’s image, its brand. At least that’s what I think; you be the judge once it’s up and running. Moreover, it will be a work in progress throughout the next year, continuously improving. Staff members, City Council members, and city citizens have fostered this website.

Online Pre-school Enrollment.  The pre-school minimum enrollment is 20 students. The count is currently above the minimum and climbing.

Mark E. Hoppen, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)