The Port of Seattle on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021 announced that North SeaTac Park has been removed from its Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) as a proposed location for a new parking lot.
The park was included in the SAMP as the location for a proposed surface parking lot (L06) to meet future employee parking needs. In that draft document set, Port environmental staff made the recommendation that L06 be removed from further consideration and that different alternatives be explored.
Early this year, Port of Seattle staff submitted the draft federal environmental assessment (EA) for the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) to the FAA for its review.
“The FAA concurred with our analysis and issued a notification today that L06 is removed from further consideration,” the Port said.
The Port says its staff made this recommendation based on:
- environmental concerns identified in public comments submitted during the scoping process in 2018-2019;
- staff’s determination that L06 was not the best path forward from an environmental perspective; and,
- the availability of an environmentally preferable alternative identified when preparing the draft federal EA.
L06 is one of 30 projects being studied during the environmental review for the SAMP. The remainder of the draft EA is still subject to FAA review and public comment.
Projects determined to be suitable to meet SAMP needs by the FAA will still be subject to state environmental review, FAA concurrence, public comment and Port of Seattle Commission authorization. Final approval of specific projects will not be made until all of the environmental review is complete.
“We continue to work with FAA to complete the draft federal environmental assessment,” the Port said. “Once released, we encourage the community to provide comments on the federal environmental review of all the proposed SAMP projects. The state environmental review will begin shortly after the completion of the federal assessment.”
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