City Manager’s Report for week ending Mar. 11, 2022

City Council Round-Up
On March 8th, the City Council held its regular monthly meeting. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Waste Management presented its annual report. During this presentation, we learned more about the city’s waste stream, smart truck technology that is being implemented, recycling, community outreach, and more.
  • The City Council continued its discussion of the proposed Civic Center project. Discussion included a review of the project, alternative construction options, and project financing. The City Council took no action but will continue the conversation at a special meeting on March 29th.
  • Two ordinances were approved. One approved a franchise agreement with King County Water District 49, and the second clarified that only the City Council could decide what days would be recognized as official city holidays.
  • A request from the city’s Art Commission was approved to increase funding for events and programs planned for 2022. Keep an eye out for the Summer Concert Series, public performances, public art, spotlight programming, special events, and a City Hall art gallery display. Funding for these fantastic programs comes from the Art Fund and a 4Culture grant.
  • The proposed Heritage Tree Program received the green light to move forward. We hope to be accepting applications soon.

If you are interested in watching the full meeting, click here.

Marvista Park Community Garden plots are available for the 2022 season.
The city hosts an annual lottery for plots. To be considered for the lottery please fill out the community garden lottery form and send to City Hall at 801 SW 174th Street, Normandy Park, WA. 98166 by March 18, 2022.

Additional Facts:

  • Normandy Park residents have priority in receiving a plot.
  • Non-residents may apply and will be assigned a plot if available.
  • Residency will be confirmed by a valid driver’s license and a utility bill.
  • Plots are 10′ x10′
  • One entry per household.
  • Gardeners must have an adult sign the User Agreement Form.
  • The lottery drawing for plots will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2022. The following day gardeners who were picked from the lottery will receive an email and phone call to confirm their plot.

The $41 Annual User Fee is due April 8, 2021. If the fee is not paid by April 8, 2022, the plot will be given to the first person on the waiting list.

Looking for Educators, Interpreters, and Volunteers for 2022 StormFest
Inspire the next generation of environmental stewards and motivate students to care about stormwater and their local streams! StormFest is an interactive stormwater festival for students at five Highline middle schools. Be a positive role model as a:

  • Station educator: Co-teach a fun, interactive stormwater lesson. There are several dual-language Spanish classes, so we are excited for some educators to teach the lessons in Spanish. Learn more and apply.
  • Interpreter: Work with station educators to describe and engage students in fun science. Learn more and apply.
  • Volunteers: Help keep event activities on schedule, running smoothly, and full of fun! Learn more and apply.

2020 Census
Over the past few weeks, we have shared some American Community Survey Census data that can be compared between the city and the school district. This week, we want to share just one data point with you, Gross Rent as a Percentage of Income at the district geography level. Click here to read more about and view this data.

If you have any questions about these or other topics, please get in touch with me at

“Have a great week!”

Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)