The second Town Hall meeting about the proposed Civic Center will be held on Thursday, July 7, 2022 at City Hall.

The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers (map below).

As part of the Aug. 2, 2022 primary election, Normandy Park residents will be asked to approve or reject a ballot measure that would allow the city to issue a bond to help fund a new Civic Center.

The center would be approximately 23,000 square feet, and would include sport, fitness, recreation, and performance spaces, meeting and event rooms, an early childhood education program, City Hall and Police Department, and environmentally friendly outdoor and green spaces for use by the city and its residents.

“We understand that this is an important decision, so the city will be hosting an informative Town Hall meeting to learn more about this subject,” the city said.

    • This Town Hall meeting will start with presentations.
    • Architect Mike Jobes, of Miller Hull, will attend to review the proposed project design.
    • Officials also plan to review the project costs and the impact of the bond if approved.
    • A question and answer will happen after the presentations to respond to any questions on your mind.

To help them have the best information possible, residents are encouraged to submit their questions before the meeting. To submit questions, email

“Of course, we will take questions from the floor as well.”