Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending July 22, 2022

Information on the Proposition #1 Ballot Issue
As part of the August 2nd Primary Election, Normandy Park residents will be asked to vote on Proposition #1, which will authorize the city to issue a bond that will be used to construct a new Civic Center.

To help residents decide how they want to vote, I wanted to provide some informational resources that will help you learn more about the Civic Center Project and the Bond.

Informational Video – On Thursday, July 7th, the city hosted a Town Hall meeting for residents. To watch the video to learn more about the project from our architect and hear the question-and-answer discussion, See video below:

  • Civic Center Project InformationClick here to read more about the Civic Center, Project Costs, Funding Plan, the cost of the proposed bond, and the frequently asked questions about this topic.
  • Voter Information from King County Elections Office Click here to read the ballot language, explanatory statement, and more.
  • Tax Transparency ToolVisit this website from the King County Assessor’s Office to estimate the impact of proposition #1 on your property taxes.

If you have questions about the project or bond, please contact me. Remember to submit your ballot by August 2nd. Thanks for voting!

2020 Census Data
Tuesday, July 26th, marks the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law. Did you know that the Census Bureau collects data on disabilities, such as the percent of populations with a disability? Click here to learn more about the Americans with Disabilities Act and disabilities data shared by the Census.

Summer Concert Series Continues
On Sunday, July 24th, come to Marvista Park to hear music from The W Lovers. Bring your favorite blanket and chair and head to the park from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm for some summer evening entertainment with the family. We’ll see you there!

If you have any questions, please contact me at

“Have a great week!”