Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending Dec. 2, 2022

Welcome to our newest Team Member
The City of Normandy Park is pleased to announce the welcoming presence of our newest city team member Abdirizak Ahmed—Abdi—who has accepted the city’s Assistant Planner/Permit Technician position.

For those who regularly visit the permit counter, it may feel like a “soft launch” as you may have had contact with Abdi in his previous role as our contract permits planner. We are fortunate and excited to welcome him as a permanent team member. Abdi previously worked for Land Development Consultants (LDC) Inc and the Seattle Housing Authority, and he is a Husky with a planning degree from the University of Washington.

Please stop by when you are in and welcome him.

Light the Park
The Normandy Park Arts Commission is hosting the annual Light the Park event in 2022.

Decorate your home with festive lights and earn a chance to win an award from the Friends of Normandy Park for the best light display. Normandy Park’s Light the Park event was created to honor homeowners that provide a festive, bright display in the winter months. The Arts Commission, in partnership with the Friends of Normandy Park Foundation, will be on the lookout for fantastic light displays on Tuesday, December 15th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. You can help spread the holiday cheer in Normandy Park by decorating your house for the holidays! Awards are limited, but we aim to give as many as possible.

Native Barefoot Plant Sale
Each year, KCD (King Conservation District) has an annual plant sale and community fair. The sale offers a variety of native trees and shrubs for conservation purposes such as wildlife habitat, windbreaks, hedgerows, reforestation, and stream enhancement. They also work great on home and garden projects.

Most of the plants offered are bareroot stock, meaning they do not come in pots or burlap bags but are harvested from the field in winter when the plants are dormant and ready to be replanted. Bareroot plants are affordable, hardy, have well-developed roots, and are easy to handle, transport and plant.

KCD is using an Online Plant Sale Store platform this year. Any plants you order will be distributed next March at the Tukwila Community Center. If interested in this sale, visit the KCD website.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at

“Have a great week!”

– Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)