A New View
When confidence seems lost

Things can seem bleak when we see all the kinds of suffering going on in humanity, perhaps even among our own family members or neighbors. But sometimes these very circumstances spur individuals to find new ways to help and heal.

One such example is Phillip Hockley, practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker. After sustaining a debilitating injury which was diagnosed as rendering him permanently disabled, Hockley began investigating ways to improve his situation.  Along the course of his search, he attended a lecture on Christian Science.

‘During that lecture,’ he says, ‘I found something that was indeed life-transforming. Christian Science gave me a new view of God that I’d not had before: a view of God as Love itself, divine Love that loved me fully. I also discovered that this loving God was not the source of my troubles (which were many) but the solution to them. My life began to improve quickly and I became a healthy man.’

Now Hockley speaks on Christian Science, introducing the core principles to audiences all over the world. Hockley will present his Webinar talk, ‘A new view of God and its effect on well-being,’ on Saturday, May 13, 1 p.m., christianscienceburien.org or by telephone (253-215-8782 then 892-0245-6412# – for the conference call). He will draw on concepts from the Bible, especially Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, as well as explanations from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the textbook of Christian Science written by Mary Baker Eddy.

After the difference Christian Science made in his own life, Phillip Hockley knew he needed to share it with others dealing with similar mindsets of discouragement.  ‘From that moment on I knew I had found something very special and could hardly wait to explain this experience to others—this ability to love and be loved by God,’ he says.  Now, he maintains a healing ministry and is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

Sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist
233 S. 156th Street
Burien, WA

253-215-8782 & 892-0245-6412 then # for the conference call)


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