Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending May 12, 2023

City Council Meeting Roundup

On Tuesday, May 9th, the City Council had its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights.

  •  The Port of Seattle made a presentation on its South King County Community Impact Fund Environmental Grant and highlighted the funds that come to Normandy Park.
  • The City Council approved an ordinance related to Compost Procurement. In March 2022, Substitute House Bill 1799 was signed into Washington law. The primary goal of the law is to increase the diversion of organic materials going to landfills to reduce methane emissions from landfills. To comply with this new law, we now have a Compost Procurement Policy that will increase the City’s compost utilization.
  • The City had its first reading of an ordinance that will amend the budget. The amendments being considered were unknown when the budget was initially adopted. The largest of the amendments is related to the purchase of a parcel that will be converted into a City Park by 2027. The ordinance was approved for second reading, which is scheduled for June 13th.
  • A contract for construction management of the upcoming sidewalk and storm projects was approved. The main sidewalk project will construct approximately 850 linear feet of sidewalk improvements on 1st Avenue South.
  • The first reading was held on an ordinance that allows City Council members to participate in regular Council meetings remotely. The Washington Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) requires that all meetings of governing bodies of public agencies be open to the public with a physical location available to the public. While an in-person option must be offered to the public, State law allows any or all members of the City Council to attend the in-person meeting remotely. The proposed ordinance would adjust the City’s Code to align with this policy. The second reading is scheduled for June 13th.
  • A contract for consulting services for the upcoming Parks, Recreation, & Open Space (PROS) Plan update was approved. The PROS Plan update will address and evaluate the City’s entire park system and bring the plan up to date after the previous one had been adopted in 2018. The State of Washington requires this process if we want to remain grant eligible. The City Council made sure that the contract strongly supported public involvement.
  • The City Council approved the following Proclamations:
    • Peace Officers Memorial Day & Week – May 15th through May 21st
    • Safe Boating & Paddling Week – May 20th through May 25th
    • Affordable Housing Week – May 7th through May 13th

If you want to learn more about these items, I encourage you to watch the meeting recording.

The City has a Pollinator Garden

The Park Commissioners of Normandy Park have always been champions of preserving the city’s natural splendor. Their latest endeavor that supports this value was the creation of a pollinator garden near the Rose Garden at Marvista Park. As a result, we now have an area that will foster sustainable habitats for bees, butterflies, and birds, and it promotes preserving the natural environment of the region.

By nurturing the interplay between native and ornamental plants, the garden aims to attract and sustain a diverse array of pollinators throughout the seasons. This garden was made possible by the support of the Park Commissioners, the King Conservation District, and the residents of Normandy Park. And a big thank you goes out to the King Conservation District and several Normandy Park residents for their donations, making things a reality.

We hear a mason bee has already made its new home in the pollinator insect house. To build on the garden’s success, consider making a portion of your yard a pollinator pathway to connect to our garden or other pollinator-friendly spaces. You can accomplish this by installing native and ornamental pollinator plants and by decreasing the use of pesticides and insecticide usage in your home garden. Consider visiting the pollinator garden to see the new plantings for yourself.

Coffee with a Cop

On Saturday, May 20th, from 9:00-11:00 am, please join Chief Dan Yourkoski and other Department personnel at Empire Coffee at the Normandy Park Towne Center.  We would love to see you there!

Don’t forget to register for the Normandy Park Birthday Celebration

The City will host a party on Thursday, June 8th, at the Highline Heritage Museum in Burien from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm to recognize the City’s 70 years of incorporation. This is a free event, but reservations are required.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at

“Have a great week!”

Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)