Normandy Park residents who subscribe to Waste Management yard and food waste collection may include up to 96 gallons of storm debris with the regular amount compostables at no additional charge on Tuesday, Dec. 14 and Wednesday, Dec. 27.

  • Yard debris include leaves, grass, prunings, branches and small trees.
  • Bundles of yard debris up to two feet in diameter by four feet in length and no more than 55 pounds shall be allowed and shall be secured by degradable string or twine or other synthetic materials.
  • No nylon, please.
  • Kraft paper bags, or garbage cans labeled “yard debris” may also be used to contain extra yard debris.
  • Materials larger than four inches in diameter or four feet in length are excluded.

For more information, go to the WM website at

If you have additional questions, please call 855-672-7596.