Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending May 10, 2024
King County Conservation District is holding an upcoming Listening Session for residents.
The King Conservation District (KCD) is a publicly funded special-purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources. It serves over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County.
Since 2013, KCD has been primarily funded through a rates and charges interlocal agreement with King County. Ratepayers currently pay approximately $13 per parcel, funding $8.7 million for services. KCD is seeking a 3-year rate renewal with King County that will maintain existing programming while placing a renewed emphasis on the equity and climate resilience aspects of KCD’s work. The proposal calls for a modest inflationary adjustment of 2.6% each year. A successful renewal will allow KCD to continue providing critical environmental conservation services in King County.
As part of the process, KCD is eager to hear from district residents about their 2025 Rate Renewal. To open this dialogue, KCD will provide information and take feedback at online listening sessions on May 16 and May 21. You can also use this link to make a public comment. Your feedback helps ensure that KCD can continue providing critical environmental services in King County. Use the links above to register.
Tips on how to Remove Noxious Weeds – like Ivy
Click here to hear from Normandy Park resident and Ivy Warrior Pat Pressentin about removing invasive ivy from trees. He discusses what tools you need, what approach to take, and why it’s meaningful. Help native trees one at a time in less than 15 minutes by using Pat’s method.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at
“Have a great week!”
Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)
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