Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending Oct. 18, 2024
Temporary Signs in Normandy Park
From time to time, residents ask about temporary signs. I wanted to share some information about our regulations, things like what a temporary sign is, where your signs can and cannot be placed, and other regulations on signs per the City’s code. This will be a summary, so for all the rules, please see our Public Assistance Memo or contact the Community Development Department at 206.248.8260.
What is a temporary sign?
A temporary sign is any sign or advertising display made of cloth, canvas, light fabric, paper, cardboard, or other light materials. These signs do not have frames and are displayed for a limited time.
Where can I put a temporary sign?
You can put your sign on private property if:
- It does not block access to the property, the sidewalk, or the street.
- It does not create a safety hazard.
- The property owner has given written consent.
- A property has no more than four signs
- It is only up for 90 days or less and can be no more than 32” wide and 36” tall.
- It is professionally lettered, neatly painted, or assembled and remains in good condition.
- It is made to avoid being blown away or falling over
Can I place a temporary sign in the right-of-way?
Yes, if it meets the conditions above and the following list:
- It is not on the sidewalk, in any driving or bike lanes, or parking areas.
- It is not internally lit or has moving parts.
- It does not alter any landscaping required by the city.
- It does not block intersections or impact sight triangles.
- The abutting property owner has given written consent.
- It is not in a median, shoulder, travel lane, or any area inaccessible by sidewalk or pedestrian path.
- It is no further than 100 feet from an intersection.
- It is not in a right-of-way adjacent to a city facility, park, government-owned facility, or property.
- It is not in or next to a stormwater conveyance ditch.
Do I need a permit for my Temporary sign?
Temporary signs do not require a permit if they are located on private property. If you wish to place a temporary sign in the right-of-way, you will need to apply for a permit with the Community Development Director.
Community Foresters: Volunteer Opportunity
Join us in Marine View Park on Friday, November 1st, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Volunteers will help to restore Marine View Park. Just bring your enthusiasm. We will teach you about Forest Restoration. To sign up or receive additional information for this volunteer opportunity, email or visit
If you have any questions about this or other City topics, please email me at
“Have a great week!”
Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)
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