Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending Nov. 15, 2024

City Council Meeting Roundup

On Tuesday, November 12th, the City Council held its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights to help keep you informed.

  • The Port of Seattle made a presentation on the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP). The SAMP is the blueprint for changes at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to meet future forecasted demand. The master plan process was completed in 2018 and identified 31 Near-Term Projects (NTPs) intended to serve 56 million annual passengers as well as flights and cargo activity at an optimal level of service. For more information, visit the SAMP website.
  • An amendment to the City’s contract with Waste Management (WM) was approved. This amendment adjusts certain performance requirements of the WM contract. With these amendments, the contract now includes certain benefits for residents. For example, next year, residents will be allowed one free bulky item collection for all single-family residential customers per year. More details will be coming soon.
  • Ordinance No. 1066 adopting Normandy Park 2044 Periodic Update (Comprehensive Plan) was approved. The Comprehensive Plan is the city’s foundational policy document that guides growth and development for the next twenty years. It sets out the community’s vision for the future, the groundwork of planning policies to guide city actions, and provides a framework so city departments and community organizations can work together toward common goals. The Comprehensive Plan Vision establishes the community’s desire for how the city should change and what it should retain. The Vision is ambitious yet achievable. It creates a dynamic tension that will challenge the community to continue working to improve the city’s quality. For more information, visit the City’s website.
  • In addition to Ordinance No. 1066, the City Council approved four ordinances that will adopt regulations to help implement Normandy Park 2044. Subject matters include affordable housing, permit review, SEPA rules, and short-term rentals.
  • Ordinance No. 1075 was approved to amend the 2023-2024 Budget. The budget is a plan that needs to be amended occasionally. The more significant items adopted with this budget amendment included:
  • Transfer $130,000 from the General Fund to the Equipment Reserve and Replacement to bring reserves up to the required level.
  • Budget $48,000 in audit costs for the Washington State Auditor’s office.
  • Close the Debt Service Fund, which is no longer needed, and transfer the remaining funds to the Building Replacement Fund.
  • Appropriate $700,000 in the Capital Improvement Fund for the 1st Ave Sidewalk project, including the related grant revenue of $470,500.
  • Ordinance No. 1076 approving the 2025-2026 Biennial Budget was adopted. Every two years, the City Council adopts the City’s biennial budget. This document serves as the City’s fiscal guide and represents the culmination of collaborative work between the City Council, the Citizen Budget Advisory Group, and city staff. It prioritizes efforts to fulfill the City’s Mission Statement and accomplish the goals set by the City Council. With its approval, the City will remain fiscally healthy while maintaining service at its current levels.
  • The 2025 Property Tax Levy was approved with the adoption of Resolution No. 1015. The anticipated levy rate for 2025 is 1.50681.
  • A Right-of-Way Maintenance Policy was adopted. This new policy will enhance the City’s right-of-way ordinance and guide the day-to-day operations of the City’s right-of-way.
  • Ordinance No. 1077 adjusting the Stormwater Rate Structure was approved. This adjustment will lessen the tax burden on non-Single family residence parcels with limited impervious surfaces. The change will go into effect in 2026.
  • A contract with the City’s engineer was approved to design the projects planned for 2025. Some of the projects are:
  • Installation of 3 uncovered sports courts at City Hall Park.
  • 300’ Guardrail on 1st Ave S.
  • Paving the parking lot at Marine View Park.
  • ADA, Sidewalk, and Stormwater improvements on Marine View Drive near SW 197th.
  • City-wide sidewalk panel replacements.
  • The City Council agreed to move forward with a Long-Term Property Acquisition and Trail Improvement Plan. This comprehensive long-term project will address low-bank beach access, trail connectivity, environmental protection, and expand the nearshore project area. The City Council will form an Ad Hoc Committee to help finalize the program. All acquisitions will be voluntary and supported with grant funding when possible.

I encourage you to watch the meeting recording to learn more about these and other topics.

2nd Annual Solstice Soiree

You’re invited to save the date for our Solstice Soiree! On Saturday, December 14th, at The Cove, join your neighbors and the Normandy Park Arts Commission for an evening of music and art, presenting the Orchestra of Flight, a 32-piece orchestral ensemble, and a handbell choir performance by Grace Lutheran. The doors open at 6:00 p.m. The Handbell choir begins at 6:30 p.m, followed by the Orchestra of Flight at 7:30. Light appetizers will be served to celebrate the winter season and music. All ages are welcome.

If you have any questions about this or other City topics, please email me at

“Have a great week!”

Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)