Burien Mayor Kevin Schilling this week announced his candidacy for the Washington State House of Representatives, seeking to represent the 33rd Legislative District in Position 1.

The district includes Burien, Normandy Park, Des Moines, SeaTac, and much of Kent, and is currently represented by Edwin Obras (House, position 1), and Mia Gregerson (House, position 2). Tina Orwall formerly served in the House, and was appointed to the Senate after Karen Keiser retired last year. Obras was appointed to replace Orwall’s position 1.

Both positions will be on the ballot in a special election on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2025, with Schilling running for Obras’ Position 1 seat.

Schilling, a lifelong resident of South King County, was born in Des Moines and raised in Burien. He emphasized his deep connection to the community and highlighted his track record in local government.

“​I’m proud of what we’ve done to get more people off the streets and into shelters or transitional housing,” Schilling said in a statement. “We set up co-responder programs to connect people with services and to improve equity in policing. And we did all of that while balancing the budget and growing our economy.”

Schilling said his campaign will focus on addressing pressing challenges, such as mental health, addiction treatment, and affordable housing. He called on state lawmakers in Olympia to provide increased support for these critical needs.

Raised in a union household, Schilling’s father and grandfather worked for Boeing and he’s a 4th generation Washington resident. He identifies as bisexual, is on the policy board of the LGBTQ+-oriented Greater Seattle Business Association, and attends Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Burien.

More info available at Schilling’s website.