Normandy Park City Manager’s Report for week ending Jan. 28, 2022

Normandy Park Animal Etiquette
We love our pets! As we begin the slow march to Spring, it seems like a good time to remind people of proper dog etiquette and city animal control services.

First, anytime you are off private property in Normandy Park, your dog must be either leashed or under voice control. This includes City Parks.  Before allowing your dog to approach other dogs it is important to get the other owner’s permission.  Please always pick up after your dogs and dispose of their waste properly.

Another important item you need to remember as a pet owner is to get a pet license. Purchasing a license and attaching it to your pet’s collar is one of the most important things you can do as a responsible pet owner. Displaying a current license tag on your pet’s collar makes it easy to locate a lost pet’s information quickly. It could be your pet’s ticket home, and it’s also the law. Licenses can be purchased by visiting City Hall. In addition, if your pet is chipped, please be sure to keep your contact information up to date.

As you probably know, the Police Department is responsible for animal control in Normandy Park. And offers the following services:

Animal cruelty investigations

  • Educational information about pets and pet ownership
  • Impoundment of stray animals
  • Nuisance animal complaint investigations
  • Rescue of sick or injured animals
  • Enforcement of animal control laws
  • Referral to other animal service agencies

If you are interested in learning more about the city’s ordinances on animal control, the complete animal regulations are online in NPMC Title 6.

Be Heard
You are invited to join the City of Normandy Park 2022 focus group! As a member, you will assist the city in understanding the needs of the community. We are looking for dedicated individuals to participate in periodic surveys throughout 2022. Spots are limited. Use this link to apply.

Parks & Recreation Survey
We’re eager to hear from you in a brief, anonymous survey about the City of Normandy Park Parks & Recreation programming. The goal is to reach as many residents as possible and to keep the survey brief, for your convenience. This survey is for Normandy Park residents and the surrounding community. Each household can take the survey one time. Paper copies of this survey will be available at Normandy Park City Hall.  You can also visit the city website at to take the survey.

If you are interested now in taking the survey, scan the QR code with your iPhone camera or download QR scanning software on your Android mobile.

2020 Census
This week, we want to share some national data on household wealth. Click below for an overview of how the Census measures wealth and to explore a Census report on household wealth. Let us know what you see in the data!

[Census Data

If you have any questions about these or other topics, please contact me at

“Have a great week!”

Amy Arrington, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)