City Manager’s Weekly Report
for week ending April 17, 2020

Community Participation Regarding Civic Center Site Planning. During a presentation at the  April 14th Council Meeting, Miller Hull Partnership detailed several site plan options for a new civic center. If you were unable to participate remotely, then the city is continuing to accept comments and questions on this important subject until Monday, April 27th. Below is a link to watch the Miller Hull presentation. If you would like to submit your ideas, comments or questions, please do so by emailing City Clerk Brooks Wall at

[Link to Miller Hull Presentation]

PSE COVID-19 Support.  PSE is helping the customers who recently became unemployed, partially unemployed, or cannot work.  Please review the following link.

Through its Crisis-Affected Customer Assistance Program (CACAP), PSE can assist customers who recently became unemployed, partially unemployed, or cannot work. Using $11 million of carry-over funds from PSE’s Low Income Program, with Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approval, PSE made revisions to its program to make these funds available to a broader group of customers.

Funds are also available in PSE’s other assistance programs,, including the Warm Home Fund, PSE Home Energy Lifeline Program and Weatherization Assistance Program for income-eligible customers. This program will be available to PSE’s residential customers in King County who have a monthly household income up to 250% of Federal Poverty Level. PSE customers who qualify can receive up to $1,000 in PSE utility-bill credits per household.

Planning Commission Zoom Meeting. This last Thursday evening’s Planning Commission meeting reviewed edits for the comprehensive plan amendments on the finalized docket; no decisions at this meeting. Previously, the City Council made the decision to take 24 homes out of consideration for any changes, including mapping updates or rezones. Public engagement planned for the spring will be moved to a date when groups are once again allowed to gather. Public engagement with the Planning Commission will precede development of any and all recommendations.

Economic Development Committee WHY Campaign. The EDC is currently working on a WHY campaign to provide insight into reasons that increasing commercial zoning within the City is so important to the long-term financial stability of the community. Both staff and EDC members have spent many hours assessing resources generally and working specifically to ensure that small and medium size businesses within the City understand available COVID-19 related resources. Information in this regard is evolving. For the latest updates on resources for business, please email

Mark E. Hoppen, City Manager
City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)