REMINDER: Enjoy a free, live outdoor performance of the comedy “Good Morning, Bill” at Riverton Heights Park in SeaTac this Friday night, July 28, 2023, starting at 7 p.m.

Presented by Burien Actors Theatre, this free performance is Directed by Rachel Rene.

Story synopsis:

Bill Paradene is holidaying in Sussex where he’s met a very attractive, but rather common young girl, Lottie. Sensing her charms are diminishing, Lottie has a fit of hysterics, and Sally Smith, MD, is called in. Bill instantly falls for Sally but she remains aloof and so he returns home where he pine’s so much for Sally. His confused older uncle imagines Bill is missing Lottie. Numerous comedic complications arise when the two women meet late at night with Bill.

The show lasts about 90 minutes and is fit for the whole family.

More info here.

Riverton Heights Park is located at 3011 S. 148th Street, SeaTac:

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