Bookworms in Normandy Park rejoice – the King County Library System (KCLS) has installed a 24-hour accessible book locker at Normandy Park City Hall, offering residents a convenient option for picking up holds and returning items.
The book drop for returns has also been relocated next to the Locker, so now residents have a one-stop convenience for library book pickups, drop-offs, and online reservations of their borrowed materials.
Do you need to learn how to use a book locker? Read on for tips and instructions on how to utilize this new Locker and begin learning about a new way to discover literature adventures – here’s more info from the city:
How do I select a locker?
When you place a hold from the online catalog, choose Normandy Park Lockers, 24-hour pickup, your holds will be held three days.
How many days do I have to pick up items from a locker?
You will be notified by phone or email when your item is ready for pickup, and will have three days to retrieve your requested items from the locker.
How do I pick up my holds in a locker?
You will be notified when your item is ready for pickup.
When you arrive, enter your library card number and PIN/password on the screen.
Once you enter your information, the locker door(s) will open to release your hold. If you send more than one hold to the Locker, you may see several doors open.
When the door(s) opens, your items are checked out, so be sure to take all your items. If you don’t want an item anymore, return that item to the library’s manual book drop. The Normandy Park book drop will conveniently be next to the new book locker for book returns.
How many items will fit into one locker?
It depends on the size of the items. The lockers can hold several items, and your items may be in several lockers.
What else should I know about using a locker?
There are a limited number of lockers, so it may take longer for your hold to become available. If you need your hold quickly, please request pickup inside the library. Lockers are only for picking up items, not for returns. Continue to use an open book drop to return your items.
Book drops are available 24/7. Contact Ask KCLS or call (425) 462-9600 or (800) 462-9600 for help using the lockers.
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