On the first Friday of February each year, people coast-to-coast wear red to raise awareness of heart disease in women. This year, Solstice Senior Living at Normandy Park will be participating in the event as they fight to help eradicate heart disease and stroke.
Along with the scarlet plans, residents and staff at Solstice have been hard at work painting hearts on rocks like those pictured here, and will be hiding them through Normandy Park for YOU to find, scavenger hunt style.
When you do, take a picture and upload it to your Facebook account (the Solstice account too, while you’re at it!) with the hashtag #wearred and #solsticerocks! The more tags the better the awareness through social media, the more folks can learn the dangers that women face from cardiovascular disease (#1 killer of women)…So pull out your crimson clothes, take a look around, find some heart rocks and let’s get #solsticerocks trending.
To learn more, visit GoRedForWomen.org or call Samantha Pabon at 206-242-1455.
Solstice Senior Living at Normandy Park
17623 First Ave. S.
Normandy Park, WA 98148
Phone: (206) 483-2361
Website: https://solsticeseniorlivingnormandypark.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SolsticeSeniorLivingatNormandyPark/
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